Process guide for Web Registration
· Open the IE browser window and type in the URL (

· Click the link titled Student Login.
· Student Login page looks like this.

· Enter your registration number and password and press Submit.
· After login, Student Services form will open on left side.

· Clicking on Semester Schedule service (Current Timetable) would popup semester schedule on the screen for the current term and your major. You can easily find out which sections belong to your major by hovering your mouse over a specific section in the timetable.

· Clicking on Add/Drop service would open Registration form on right side.
· The Registration Form comprises of 3 sections.
· Courses Studied
Contains list of all the studied courses along with there grades.
Note: In the following section a student can only add up to 6 courses by maximum
· Courses Available / Advisor Given Courses
Contains list of all courses that a student can study.
· Repeating Courses Available
Contains list of repeating courses that a student can repeat.
· Now, by clicking Add would open Sections window, where the student will be able to see a list of sections along with the teachers who will be teaching them and the section specific timetable that are specific to the selected course and specific to his/her major.
· This window also displays you the current status of the list of sections displayed (i.e.: Open/Close) and would also inform you if you happen to have a clash with any of your currently reserved sections.
· Selecting a section and pressing Submit would reserve this section for you. And would take you back to the Registration page where you will be able to see your currently reserved section in the Section textbox next to the selected course.
· Now, if you plan to change your selected section you can do it easily by repeating the same steps as you did incase of Adding a section.
· Now, if you plan to drop the selected section you can do it by clicking Drop.
· A confirmation window will open, asking you to cancel reservation for the selected section. Pressing Yes would cancel your reservation for this section and it would be made available to other students. Pressing No would simply take you back to the Registration page.
· Complete your selection of desired sections and press Next button at the bottom of the page to proceed.
· Your registration status will be displayed to you in effect to clicking Next button.
· The Registration Status comprises of 3 sections.
· Registered Courses
Contains list of all of your currently reserved courses along with there sections, total fee, due fee and status.
· Accounts Information
Contains detailed account information according to your currently reserved courses (i.e.: Discount, Fine, Installment, Total payable amount etc.).
· Timetable
Displays the timetable according to your currently reserved courses.
· Now, press Back if you wish to edit your current selection. Or press Cancel if you wish to cancel all of your reservations.
· Pressing Submit would re-confirm if you wish to proceed or not. If pressed Ok your registration will be finalized and you will not be able to change your courses until Add/Drop session.
· Pressing Submit and pressing Ok would result in Final Status window.
· This window contains list of all of your recently registered courses along with their sections and their timetable.
· You can view your registration status the next time you log in and click Registration.
· Clicking on My Courses service would open Section Management form on right side.
· The Section Management Form comprises of different number of sections depending on the type of exams that have been defined for the selected section.
· Each section corresponds to the exam type i.e., Mid Term, Quiz etc.
· There may be multiple exams defined for each exam type in each section.
· Clicking on the Files service against the exam would open the popup for Downloading the file(s) that have been uploaded against the exam.
· The Download File form has one section.
· Uploaded Files
Displays the uploaded files for the exam and a link to download the file.
· You can also view your current timetable by clicking My Timetable in Student Service section.
. You can also view your leave status by clicking Leave Status link. Which would show your attendance detail for current term. A Section namely Other Fines would appear in this page if you happen to have any fines other than attendance. Also, you would be able to see information of withdrawn courses if any.
· You can check your Transcript by clicking on the Transcript service.